Getting you from start to finish.
Get started by.
Send us a few images of the area you are looking to improve to Include a description of the changes you are looking to make in the space. Be as specific as possible. Please also include your Name and Phone number.
Use the “book a call” button to scheduel a time to speak with us about your project.
Scheduel a phone meeting
On the call we will have a more detailed discussion of your project. This is where we will communicate ideas and concerns. With enough detailed information we can provide a rough estimate over the phone.
If the estimate as well as the spirit of the conversation are a good fit for both of us we can move into the consultation stage.
The Consultation stage is when we will charge a fee to design and price what the final cost of the project will be. We do all the structural designs of the project, rough prices from our subcontractors, building department regulations and then we present to you a final cost of the project.
If we are in agreence we will put together a contract and start the project.